A friend recently asked me for advice about how to get started in homeschooling. Her daughter is just 2, so she's at a perfect spot to begin thinking about this.
"2 years old?" -- I can hear cries of dismay from readers all over the world, but hear me out. Two or even earlier is NOT too early because I think the earlier a homeschool parent realizes that the vast majority of homeschooling is simply interacting with your child in a responsive, encouraging and very verbal way, the better. By the time a child is two years old, a parent has taught her to walk, talk, and a zillion other small, but impressive bits of cultural knowledge. Did they do it consciously? Maybe... maybe not. It would be almost impossible to prevent a child from learning these things. 15 years of homeschooling has taught me that much of what we learn is similar. I am not an "unschooler;" I have followed a primarily classical approach to the formal schooling I have done with my children, but I do think the best part about homeschooling is that kids retain that spark of curiosity that drives learning, compels it. Two years old is not too soon to start to consciously recognize how your child learns and how much you teach. I'm a planner though, so when my kids were very young, I wanted an idea of how to do it all. I will be addressing that too, though in another post here: Amazing Homeschool Curriculum... or How I Homeschooled my Kids First though, I thought I'd write down some of my insights into homeschooling, looking back from this end... you might want to sit back and grab a cup of tea... I could talk for hours about this, and have :)

Keep reading -- click here for 'vantage number two: Part Two (Amazing Teachers)
Keep reading -- click here for 'vantage number three: Part Three (Socialization)
Also, for some great curriculum suggestions, check out my post: Amazing Homeschool Curriculum.
Keep reading -- click here for 'vantage number three: Part Three (Socialization)
Also, for some great curriculum suggestions, check out my post: Amazing Homeschool Curriculum.
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